Alex Abisheganaden 85th Birthday Celebration at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Strings

Last Friday, former guitar alumni from Ngee Ann Polytechnic Strings returned to surprise Alex for his 85th birthday celebrations.

Alex shares a joke with the ensemble.

I was delighted to  meet old friends like James, Sio, Ah Kuang and Yow Heng. It’s been long time since we’ve seen each other and I’m happy to see how well everyone is doing.

Yow Heng looks exactly the same and Ah Kuang looks thinner than before.

I wonder what Yow Heng does to stay so young. I suspect he owns the largest personal collection of SK II products in the world.

Alex teaching the beginners at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Strings

I also briefly sat-in for the beginner class that Alex was teaching. I felt nostalgic to play under his guidance once again.

When I joined NPS I had already received several years of training from Ernest Kwok and Mohammed Zuklifee, so I never sat-in for his beginner class. Despite all the years I spent at NPS with Alex, that night was a first for me!

Me and Alex

I’m glad to see Alex is in good health. Unfortunately, I heard that his left hand if giving him trouble nowadays. He says that his 1st finger has the tendency to freeze and lock- up. I told him to see a doctor about it. I hope he takes my advice.

I was also happy to meet Jacob Leong, a former NPS Alumni turned full-time guitar teacher. Jacob now runs Jacobs Music. You can see his excellent performance of Villa Lobos’s Prelude No. 1 on my Kris Barnett guitar below.


People like Jacob and Andrew Wee (another NPS Alumni turned full-time teacher) serve testament to Alex’s ability to encourage up-and-coming classical guitarists.

Alex checks Jacob's tuning

Alex also spoke fondly of my former teacher, the renown Ernest Kwok.

When Ernest was a young boy, Alex taught him classical guitar. They even took the ABRSM grade 8 exam together.

“We both got a merit score, but I think I got just a few marks more than him, ” Alex laughed with a glint of nostalgia in his eyes.

Alex is clearly very proud of Ernest and he always has a twinkle in his eye when he speaks of him. Alex paid Ernest one of the highest compliments possible by calling him “the best classical guitar teacher in Singapore.” At the risk of hurting the egos of other classical guitar teachers in Singapore (including myself) , I have to agree.

But I felt compelled to correct him slightly.  “Both of you are the best,” I told him.

I hope Ernest knows how highly Alex regards him.

I like to believe that Alex’s gentleness, encouragement and generosity helped in grooming some of the best classical guitarists in Singapore.

Alex is a great boon to the classical guitar scene. He is one of the warmest persons I have ever known and he sincerely does his best to help his fellow man.

Alex suggests that the alumni form an ensemble

He is a living example of what a good human being should be, and has every quality deserving of a Cultural Medallion Recipient.

Sio performs Cavatina for Alex

Happy birthday Alex Abisheganaden. You make the world a better place.

On a side-note, I want to thanks James for organizing this birthday celebration. I also want to thank everyone (James and Yow Heng thus far) who chipped in to purchase the “Ramirez 125th Year Anniversary” book for Alex.

I had great fun meeting the old gang and I can’t believe we stayed at the King Albert Park Mc Donald’s till 2am playing Bang! (the wild-west themed card game).

Considering how sleep-deprived I’ve been lately, I probably shouldn’t have stayed for so long. But I’m glad that I did. 🙂

Author: Dedrick Koh

Dedrick Koh is an acclaimed , fully-booked classical guitar teacher who teaches from his home studio at Sengkang. He has been teaching the classical guitar since 2006 and has successfully prepared students for ABRSM and Trinity exams and he holds a flawless 100% pass rate, and a 90% merit/distinction rate for his students. He was previously an instructor cum assistant conductor at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Strings under Alex Abisheganaden . Dedrick Koh is also a former public relations and communications specialist, having carved out a notable 10-year career in both the public and private sector. He has work for/on brands like Nanyang Polytechnic, Coca Cola, DHL, Nokia, Nestle, the Health Promotion Board, the Economic Development Board of Singapore and the President Challenge. He also also been featured in the Straits Time, the New Paper, and CNN.

3 Replies to “Alex Abisheganaden 85th Birthday Celebration at Ngee Ann Polytechnic Strings”

  1. Hi Dedrick

    Was wonder if you have Alex’s contact! I used to learn under him in 1996 and I would really like to get in touch again to express my gratitude!


  2. Iood to see Alex A. I have not seen him in a long long long time. I’ve asked my sister Ng Chiau Kong
    about Alex & she does not know. I saw Alex’s daughter a few years ago when she was sent here by
    STB for a show I think. She remembers my wife, Tay Boon Yen, but she said she remembers more
    my sister, Chiau Kong who had taught her.

    We are here in America. If anyone can connect me with Alex, I’d be most obliged. THX

    Ng Chiau Beng.
    In America, I’m known as Bing Ng.
    My email address is:

    1221 Flaminian Way
    Santa Ana, CA, USA 92705

    Phone # 714 832 8311

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