Recently I was head-hunted by a local author to create a website for her upcoming book. The book in question is titled “Johnny Can See”.
“Johnny Can See” is an educational book that details a young boy’s problem with his vision and the whimsical adverture his imagination takes him on as he visits an eye doctor for the first time.
This book has garnered praise from educators, including Julia Gabirel and is an entertaining and interesting teaching resource that parents can use to teach their children.
Visitors can purchase an autographed copy online, making it very personal and highly collectable.
For more information, visit Johnny Can See!
If some of my loyal readers are wondering why a Ninja Master, Classical Guitar teacher is creating commissioned websites, I should mention that my previous employment history (at Ogilvy, Mentis Marketing, Fat Pixel and MINDEF Public Affairs) has created a demand for my services as a marketing communications specialist.
I occasionally accept these jobs. Sometimes I blog about them, sometimes I don’t. The latter situation is firmly put into effect when a client specifically ask for confidentiality.
My classical guitar students should not worry. I am extremely content teaching classical guitar by day and being a ninja at night.
Enjoy the website and don’t forget to purchase your very own personalised autograph copy here!