I was walking to the Bugis MRT train station when I noticed something that brought a smile to my face. Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the Fandi Ahmad Mullet.
I captured this gem as I walked pass a framing store. I took a quick glance and thought to myself, “Gee, that looks like Fandi Ahmad. Waitaminute! It IS Fandi Ahmad!”
Look at that suave, handsome young man. With boyish good looks and an honest smile, his gentlemanly demeanor is neatly accentuated with a tasteful mullet. I’ve got to give Fandi credit; he really pulled that look off back in the 1980s. It’s hard to believe he didn’t enter the scene of Malay rock. With a mullet like that, he’s a shoe-in for Malay heartthrob rocker of the century.
Gentlemen, the next time you decide to take a portrait, remember this – a monkey can wear a suit, but only a real man can wear a mullet. Fandi Ahmad, I salute you! You’re a national treasure, with a legendary mullet. Fandi Boleh!